Here is a faq about all subjects you asked me. If you need an answer not here, please, ask it.

  • The application look like great, but I would like to add the game … ! How can I do ?

On that web site, you can purpose a game by describe rules. Other calculate rules will be added on next update, like « Turn » planified to may 2018.

  • Why can’t I add myself games ?

A lot of people asked me that question, but right now, I prefer everyone have the same rules «real», and «complete». Other application can do that, but finally, there are 10 rules for one game (like Agricola). But this possibility stay in my head 😀

  • How may I backup my games ?

When you select again the game that you already played, the application show you a menu:

  1. Delete the current game, and create another one.
  2. Backup game, and create a new one.
  3. Backup game, and create a new one with same players (Revenge)
  4. To open the current game

The backuped games are selectable with the « magnifying glass» icon

  • What is the «Collective Count», and how active it ?

When you count score, there are 2 way:

  1. Count score of each players by counting golds, military points, And go next player
  2. Collective count for all players by counting each golds, and next each military points, etc.

You can choose in function of game, or way you choose to count scores.

To activate this option, click on «Parameters» tools icon, and active, or inactive «Collective Count».

  • There is an iOs version ?

Unfortunatly no. To translate this application to iOs, I need a Mac :/